About Us

My name is Simavo Smith; I'm an Irish-born, frequent flier for as long as he can remember. Originally from Paris, and currently living in San Francisco, he previously spent almost a decade in Shanghai after graduating college. I can speak English, French, German, Hebrew, and Spanish.

I am here because of my new venture that I thought might be of people's interest.

It was conceived out of the logistical difficulties and escalating costs associated with getting card applications and approvals from the bank, and the problems that poses for qualifying. As you know all too well, Covid-19 has exacerbated these logistical problems and the costs through prohibitive travel restrictions, to the point it's far more difficult for companies to access the leads in a reliable, cost-effective, timely and quality way.

Our aim is to solve all of that as we are a large and growing team of award-winning freelance journalists based around the world. We are where the news is, and we are writing the stories and making them available without you having to travel and without you having to spend money. You pay ONLY the journalist for content tailored specifically and exactly to your wants and needs.

Get Ready To Improve Credit Score
Today is the day to build the credit score what everyone's want. Share your mission with the world — and enjoy the perks.
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